Sunday, January 31, 2010

jan 31

- this is what Im doing right now. Incing an aggrivated shoulder. I didnt use it for the 3-4 days when I was sick. So I assumed it would be healthy enough to start working. Which was pretty much a big mistake. Its killing me today. So Im icing it and taking ibuprofen. Sucks.

- Today is actually the first day that I feel 100% back to normal from my illness. Ive worked out the past 2 days but really havent felt right. but the key is, i kept working out. I need to check to see what number Im on, but ive also felt less motivation to blog when my workouts are crappy. Here is better workout blogs next week.

- I will be at the superbowl on fri-sat-sun, so Im going to have to try to fit vacation workouts in. and those are the worst. I always pack my shoes, socks and workout clothes when i go on vacation.... but then the pretty much just stay in the bag. you guys ever do that? my heart is in the right place before I leave....

- you have got to see this picture. this girl gauged her bottom lip. Ive only seen weirdos do it in their ear. but she did her lip, and you can see her teeth! its crazy


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog and thought I would share the link to mine. It is not totally the same concept, but it is very much workout related and helps me stay accountable. It is good to find motivation from others who are struggling to stay on track, and hopefully I can inspire people to get up and get the work done. Keep it up!

  2. How in the world does she keep food from falling out of that hole???

    Super wierd!

    -Amanda :)

  3. That is Photoshopped or she is really disgusting...
