Saturday, January 9, 2010

workout number 1-3

- I woke up at 9am today. Which is pretty early on a weekend for me. My big goal for the day was to clean my grill. However, I didnt know it was going to take 2 hours to do. There has got to be something better to use than dishwashing liquid and dish sponges. thats what i used. 2hrs and 3 cut fingers later, I was done. Then I cooked some turkey burgers.


- I watched Up In The Air today (George Clooney). I was hooked up with it on DVD, so I threw on my pink snuggie and spent a couple hours in my chair catching a movie. It was good. I didnt know what to expect, or even really what it was about except for Clooney flying lots of places. Big Twist. Feel good. The End. Good Movie.

- I also have The Hurt Locker on DVD and may watch that tonight. I had no idea what that was about until about 3 hrs ago when I saw a commercial for it.

- My trainer Ahmad dropped his phone in his toilet yesterday, so I couldnt get a hold of him. And we didnt set a workout time for today. so I just went back to the pool today.


- I swam about 20 laps before my head starting pounding. I took off my cap and goggles off and did some pool sprints. The longer I went, the more my head hurt. About 30 minutes in, I had to call it a day. I went to lay in the hot tub and rest... but I got real nauseas. weird workout today. It took a little food and about 3 hrs before I started to feel a little better.

- But I did get my workout in

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you are up-dating this everyday. It helps me so much. As for the grill, use a wire brush. You can but them anywhere. They're made especailly for cleaning grills. Better than a sponge.
