Tuesday, January 5, 2010

workout 9.

- an intern bought these pajama pants as kind of a joke. And obviously they are meant to wear only around the holidays. However, they are so comfortable... I may just make these my "all time sleepy pants". take a look


- my dog just ran in the house soaking wet. shook. and them threw up. This happens when he spends time with (eats) the sprinkler in the back yard.

- I woke up from a quick nap today and didnt know what day it was. and was confused on whether or not it was time to go to work or not. I was that tired. And not so much from working out. Its mostly from trying to get back on the "normal" sleep schedule of waking up at 3am. Its tough. Im sure a little has to do with 9 days in a row of intense workouts.

- I was feeling a little drained when I got to the gym today. but otherwise, fine, and was ready to get to work. Ahmad told me we were going to do plyometrics. I didnt know what that meant. but it sounded fun. like a game you'd play in grade school. maybe even foreign.

it wasnt.

it was a lot of jumping. and hitting. and jumping. quick lifts. and more jumping. it basically sucked.

(for those that care, and I looked it up when I got home)

Plyometrics is a type of exercise training designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system, generally for the purpose of improving performance in sports. Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal.

- I was DESTROYED when I left. Exhausted.


- I came home. hit the showers. and cooked this meal. Im getting pretty solid on the grill.



  1. yummy food. i think your trainer is trained in torture. i am still wearing my no smoking patch if you care , i know you said even ex smokers gross you out hehe,but im happy for myself, I even went running again for the third day in a row. one hour. yay me!

  2. Its funny, cuz I have the same pants in a very light blue color... and it is really comfortable
    That is a huge piece of steak!! Its been so long since I had steak!?!?!?? I just can't grill one that will taste right... :(

  3. Wow! I can't get pass the idea that I just saw a pic of Bobby's junk. Nice! (tehehe) Hey seriously though, best of luck with your goal but don't do any damage to yourself. Reading these posts, I'm concerned that you're doing too much and too hard. But you know your body better than anybody else. Again best of luck Bobby and I applaud your efforts.

  4. I first heard about plyometrics from a friend at work who completed the P90X workout series- yay not so fun. Good job on keeping up and completing the workout!

  5. I got similar pants for christmas. :) good luck on your workouts, looking good so far. does having a trainer make it easier?

  6. I mentioned you in my blog today: http://trainingcori.wordpress.com/.
    Hope that's okay!

  7. the food looks good..you, not so much lol well, keep up the good work. When its all over, you can say "I Did That!"

  8. good job on the workouts. I heard about Bikram Yoga from listening to you guys.. I decided to try it and now I'm doing the 60 day Bikram Yoga challenge. 5 days down 55 to go. Keep up the hard work.. and nice pj's!

  9. Bobby - Why is working out every day for that long good for you? Every workout routine that ive read says you are supposed to take time for your body to recover and let the micro damage done to your muscles heal..Can't get that from just sleep..Hoping that you don't end up injuring yourself from doing this..
