Sunday, January 24, 2010

26, 27, 28

- I missed my first days of blogging this weekend. Sorry. Keeping up everyday with this blog has become as difficult as working out everyday.

- Im amazing at how many people read such a boring blog. Im averaging between 8 to 10 thousand unique visitors on Monday-Thursday. And 5-7 thousand on Friday - Sunday. I assume the load is lighter on the weekends because people arent at work searching for ANYTHNG to keep them busy. And surely this blog is a last resort.

- Im sitting here with ice on my bum shoulder and I watch the Colts and Jets.

- I have hit 3 workouts in the last 3 days. 2 with my trainer and 1 on my own. The workout I decided to do solo was where I further tweaked my shoulder. I was told not to do any shoulder work for X amount of days. Of course i didnt listen. I thought i was totally healed. I was wrong. Now its worse than before. So bad, that today... ALL we did was cardio. Im going to have to rest it for a few days. and thats of almost any lifting of the upper body. Im an idiot.

- I gave myself a solid cheat day yesterday. I didnt eat a healthy dinner at all. I ate 2 horrible tacos, a grilled cheese, and a piece of cake. And all of that was prepared at the BINGO hall. Thats where we spent our saturday night. We're all so cool. I crashed about 11. woke up at 4, watched Roddick win his Aussie Open match then crashed again until workout time..

- after my last blog, we did this dumb music video. so i might as well put it up here.

- thats all for now. Ill resume normal blogging tomorrow.


  1. Bobby, I just wanted to tell you how sincerely impressed I an with you. There us no way I could have done even as much as 7 days in a row an to be shooting for 45... wow. To have made it this far, all the way to 28, you should be incredibly, incredibly proud of yourself. I wish you good luck, although I know you don't need it, and I hope to see blog 45.

  2. Bobby, don't sell yourself short! Your blog isn't boring...and I would bet that a large number of the people that read this daily are on their own journey to health and fitness. To read about your journey, especially with this many days in a row of working out, is incredibly inspirational. It's nice to be able to
    follow something like this. Also, kudos on continuing with your goal even with a bum shoulder. Even though you're not working it, I'm sure you aren't able to keep it completely immobilized while doing cardio. So many people would have used this to give up and seeing you push on makes me realize I can't use the fact that my rear is sore as an excuse to skip spin class! Keep it up!

  3. Can I please get those two minutes of my life back?! And did you wear your Rockets jersey because you thought it looked ghetto? RUDE!
    - Jennifer
