Wednesday, January 6, 2010

10th workout in a row. feeling it.

- yep. Im tired. only 10 days in and I need for a 2nd wind. But with 35 more workouts to go, looks like Im going to need and 8th and 9th wind as well.

- This is a good question. It was posted in the comments section in yesterdays blog

"Bobby - Why is working out every day for that long good for you? Every workout routine that ive read says you are supposed to take time for your body to recover and let the micro damage done to your muscles heal..Can't get that from just sleep..Hoping that you don't end up injuring yourself from doing this.."

My response:

I hope I dont get injured as well. and I do realize that its a somewhat ridiculous goal. Also, I would never attempt this without a trainer that I trust. Which is why we have been switching the workouts up so much. Only working specific muscles certain days. Only doing cardio certain days. and allowing muscle groups to recover. If I do chest and back on day 1. and legs on day 2. and arms on day 3. I AM letting the muscles heal and recover.

- When I workout, I eat better. and its not intentional. I just dont crave as much sugary junk food. or even soda. Case in point... I bought this 2 liter bottle of Coke 5 days ago. I havent even opened it yet


- Today sucked. Heavy chest. and Heavy abs. Lower reps. More weight. I dont even know exactly what we did. I know that I was exhausted. Here is a picture Ahmad took at the end of the workout. As weak as I look in the picture... it pretty much sums up exactly how I was feeling.


- by the way, I got a call today from a client. He offered me a flight on his private jet. 2 tickets to Natl Championship game. and hotel. and I had to turn it down. How much does that suck? Ive never been on a private plane. Ive never even sat in first class on a commercial plane except for by accident once. damn work obligations...


  1. Well at least one of us is having a great work out day!! Good for you keep up the great work.'
    By the way did you get a chance to ask Ahmad you trainer if he has any thoughts on Bio Force 2.2 Home Gym??

  2. tell your client that they can take me!!!

    middle looking good too.

  3. Bobby, I am just another listener(In Wichita). My name is Taysh(using bf's account). I met LB a year ago when I started working out. At that point I'd lost 9 pounds from 280. He encouraged me to go. I didnt. I am folllowing you because you are so positive. I let myself get up to 304 pounds currently. My boyfriend and I are in ways, doing the same thing you are. We are working out everyday. We can afford the trainer but we motivate each other. I hope you meet your goals, thank you for being awesome and inspiring us!

  4. Bobby - I agree with you on the letting your muscles rest. I have been doing the workouts steadly and updating my blog as much as possible. For the last 4 days I have been on a cardio kick and have to say that my legs are close to done. Tonight its on to Barbell Strength class and tomorrow I think it may only be walking. I am hoping to stick it out for 35 more days! Keep inspiring us!

  5. it's fine to work out every day if you are careful and work different muscle groups. i used to be a gymnast and we worked out 6 days a week, and did a lot of strength training as well as lots of plyometrics! a lot of athletes work out every day.
