Thursday, January 28, 2010

last 2 days

man, this has been tough

but I have done a little something each day to keep my streak alive

my thoat was still hurting pretty bad yesterday. but when I take this pain med, it eases somewhat. But I also feel pretty dizzy if i move around. I did some light curls, some leg lifts and some stretching yesterday

today, I ran 1 whole mile. and did some abs.

these are brief. Mostly because Im ashamed that Im not going to be able to hit all 45 as hard as I wanted.

because of my illness, Im going to extend it to 50 workouts.

but, i havent missed. yet.


  1. Wow. That's so impressive. I was wondering how you'd maintain despite being so sick. Definitely good motivation for the rest of us!

  2. Sounds like your bod is telling you to rest.

    So...I am running my first 5k race tomorrow, I've raised 500 bucks for Susan Komen foundation and lost 9 pounds since I jumped on your blog-wagon. Just thought I would share my happy news.

    Feel better, dude!
